SEA Overwatch Map Design contest features 2 Filipinos qualified for the most popular award category

Filipino creativity is on the spotlight once again as 2 entries in the recently held SEA Overwatch Map Design contest have qualified for the most popular award.

Entries by Alben Tan and Carl Kho, Control Map: Davao and Simala Sanctuary de Cebu respectively, have made it into the top 18 entries and this time, a call to action is being made to get our representatives into the top 4!

Check out this Facebook post by Alben Tan, who is one of the chosen artists to pass the initial review:

Carl Kho highlights Cebu with this concept art of the Simala Sanctuary:

You can view the individual entries for Control Map: Davao here and for Simala Sanctuary de Cebu here. To vote, you’ll need to log in with your Blizzard account first, head over to THIS PAGE to get your vote in.

Support our Filipino artists and good luck to both participants!

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