Sony close to acquiring Anime streaming service Crunchyroll for nearly $1 Billion

A report by Nikkei Asia says that Sony is close acquiring the anime streaming service Crunchyroll for nearly $1 Billion. While this has almost nothing to do with games, it may indeed open up the possibility to integrate Crunchyroll as a value add on top of current subscriptions like PS Plus. Maybe, who knows.

Due to the recent acquisition of Bethesda by Microsoft, fans have been calling on Sony to purchase studios as well to boost their highly acclaimed first party roster but it seems Sony has other plans in mind, investing in another form of entertainment instead.

Crunchyroll is owned by Otter Media Holdings, who is consequently owned by AT&T’s WarnerMedia. With over 70 million subscribers, 3 million of which are paid, this would definitely be another solid revenue stream for the Japanese company should the acquisition push through.

In the time of the pandemic, streaming content has been as crucial as ever. Whether it be through games or anime, content providers are proving to be more valuable as time goes by and this could be a step in right direction for Sony to stake a claim in the Anime sector.

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