New Armored Core Game Allegedly In The Works By FromSoftware

A month to go before one of the most anticipated games of 2022, Elden Ring, but rumors are popping up that FromSoftware is allegedly working on a new Armored Core game thanks to a customer survey.

Armored Core Alleged Survey

It seems that not everybody has gotten a chance to fill up that survey, but Red Liquorice from ResetERA has shared some details about it on a thread, spilling some details about the upcoming Armored Core game.

I’ve just finished doing a consumer survey about a new Armoured Core game with description, screenshots and two 30 second-ish videos of gameplay – the first a boss fight and the second more in-world gameplay, a snow area. The screenshots are unique ID watermarked, so probably not a good idea to post but I did screenshot the text description.

If this isn’t ok to post, mods please edit this – I don’t want to get anyone (including myself) in to trouble, but I was pretty amazed to be watching footage of an upcoming From Soft game randomly this morning, quite unexpected!!

The screenshots being referred to can be seen below:

One description that stands out is that this upcoming title is a “sci-fi world created by Hidetaka Miyazaki”, which is set on the plant Bashtar and will provide players with an overwhelming sense of scale.

Red Liquorice also went on to go into detail about the Armored Core video he saw, saying that “The boss fight seemed very Souls in terms of speed and style. It looked like an industrial-looking brown room, the player started afar, locked on firing guns, then closed in and attacked melee and the speed/movement all seemed very familiar Souls style.”

It all seems very exciting, but of course, we all have to take this with a grain of salt, seeing as nothing has been officially announced or teased about Armored Core by FromSoftware.

For now, we have Elden Ring to look forward to, and it won’t be too long now as the game is scheduled for a February 25, 2022 release for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, and PC.

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