During Tokyo Game Show 2020, Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires was announced by Koei Tecmo for the PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One…
Following the initial announcement back in July, Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy will be coming to the PlayStation…
Following the initial reveal earlier this month, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity takes the Tokyo Game Show 2020 stage by storm with…
A Hong Kong Distributor called Game Source Entertainment may have leaked the existence of a Ninja Gaiden Trilogy for the PlayStation 4…
Coming from the widely successful Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout, Reisalin Stout is back for a sequel in Atelier Ryza 2:…
Initially announced a couple of days back, Koei Tecmo have now released new information about the upcoming Monster Rancher 2 game scheduled…
In what is a surprise announcement, Koei Tecmo has gone ahead to say that an “enhanced port” featuring improvements (as per Gematsu)…
A new player has entered the arena in the hopes of filling the void that E3 had left behind in the form…
One thing you can credit Capcom and From Software for is making suffering a new genre of its own. While Capcom isn’t…