Reports suggests the PS5 price may breach $450 due to increased manufacturing costs

Pricing is one of the factors that will either make or break the upcoming next gen consoles. Just ask Microsoft, as they dug themselves a whole too deep to get out of when they first released the Xbox One. This time around, both Microsoft and Sony are playing the waiting game, hell bent to keep playing the chess game in terms of announcing more details about the new consoles.

A recent report may have just broken the silence.

In an article posted by Bloomberg, PS5 manufacturing costs could be on the rise due to scarcity in components, mainly due to the high demand of DRAM and NAND Flash Memory being used as well by the latest smartphones.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that with increased manufacturing costs, the final retail price may quite possibly increase as well. By how much? That will depend on how much profit Sony is willing to make per PS5 unit sold. At the moment, the estimated manufacturing cost tallies to around $450, meaning the final retail price will at least equal that, unless Sony is willing to sell at a loss.

Sony opens up the official PS5 website in Europe

Sony has sold over 106 million PS4 units to date due in part to their fantastic library of games as well as a tempting price point when it was first released. When the next generation hits, we’re fully expecting both consoles to breach the $400-$450 barrier, with our personal estimate being a whopping $499.99, roughly around PHP25,000-30,000 when it releases towards the tail end of 2020.

Until Sony makes an official announcement, which we hope happens sooner rather than later, we can only assume that the next gen will be hella expensive. It’ll definitely look great, but you’ll have to pay a premium for that 4K 60FPS goodness.

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