Resident Evil 4 Remake is rumored to be scheduled for 2022

According to “multiple development sources” that have spilled the beans to VGC, the RE4 Remake is said to have entered full production and is slated for a possible 2022 release.

Led by M-Two Inc., led by former Platinum Games CEO Tatsuya Minami, is leading the development for this title ever since reports have put them to be working on a remake title for Capcom.

Most importantly, the original director of the game Shinji Mikami has reportedly already given his blessing for the new project but declined to lead the remake, opting to provide informal advice instead.

RE4, touted as one of the best Resident Evil games in the long running franchise, has been remastered and ported over quite a number of times but has not received the full remake treatment as of yet. With the RE2 Remake from 2019, the behind the shoulder system that RE4 first introduced is now in full effect and even with the recent RE3 Remake, some RE4 references have popped up again like the Parasite Zombies that draw similarities with the Las Plagas.

Any other games Resident Evil games that you would want to see Capcom bring back to life? They’ve recently asked for inputs from players via a survey which you could fill up right now!

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