Sony announces that PS3 and PS Vita stores will remain operational

Seemingly hearing the public outcry on the decision to close the legacy stores for the PS3 and Vita just last month, Sony have announced that both stores will continue operating, as per their latest post on the PlayStation Blog.

Jim Ryan himself took to the blog and admitted that “we made the wrong decision here” and they are happy to announce that these stores will remain operational on the PS3 and PS Vita devices, allowing customers to continue purchasing their favorite titles. This is certainly good news for the community, and proof that indeed Sony, and Jim Ryan, does listen to its customers.

ps3 ps vita

Ryan continued to say that the initial decision was due to a number of factors, “including commerce support challenges for older devices and the ability for us to focus more of our resources on newer devices where a majority of our gamers are playing on.” Seeing the gaming public react towards that decision was a big key into this turnaround from Sony, and that this part of their history will remain alive for the time being.

The PSP store will proceed with its closure on July 2, 2021.

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