Pokemon Battle Festival Asia 2021 Announced, Starts Next Week
Calling all future Pokemon Champions, Pokemon Battle Festival Asia 2021 has been announced! Featuring casual and fun tournaments available for each region to enjoy ranging from the trading card game, Pokemon Go, and other titles still unreleased.
So far, only Pokemon Go and Pokemon Trading Card Game have a definite tournament schedule. For Pokemon Shining Pearl/Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Legends: Arceus, no details have been added yet so stay tuned on the page for future events.

Pokemon Battle Festival Asia 2021 Schedule
Pokemon Go’s schedule has been revealed and it happens on November 26 and December 3 in the Philippines, with the regional finals happening on December 18. If you are interested, you may register here and for the rulebook, you may also check it here.
Pokemon Trading Card Game’s qualifiers for the Philippines happens on January 12-14, 2022, with the regional finals happening on February 12-13, 2022. Registration will open soon, so check back!
Prizes for the games mentioned have yet to be determined.
In other Pokemon news, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are now available for the Nintendo Switch.