Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Sells Over 10 Million Units; PS5 Lifetime Sales Hit 54.8 Million

Sony has announced that Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has now sold over 10 million units as of February 4, 2024.

The figures come from their financial reports as of December 31, 2024. The Marvel’s Spider-Man game series, which includes Spider-Man, Miles Morales, and Spider-Man 2, has now sold over 50 million copies worldwide.

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As part of the financial report, the company has also confirmed that the PS5 has now sold over 54.8 million units worldwide. Over the past quarter ending December 31, 2023, a total of 8.2 million PS5s were sold, a 1.1 million increase from the same time frame last year.

Sony initially targeted selling 25 million PS5s by the end of the fiscal year (ending in March), but seeing as the holidays have passed, sales may slow down a bit. They are currently at 16.4 million units and will need 8.6 million more to hit the target.

A wave of sales and discounts have indeed helped, and with strong offerings like Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 along with the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, we may still see a spike pretty soon.

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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is now available exclusively for the PS5.

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