Fallen Tear: The Ascension Announces Kickstarter Page, Introductory Demo Now Available

CMD Studios has announced the Kickstarter page of Fallen Tear: The Ascension, a hand-drawn 2D metroidvania title that’s scheduled for a 2025 release.

The Kickstarter campaign has not started yet, but interested backers can follow the page for updates such as backer rewards and development milestones.

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Additionally, an introductory demo for Fallen Tear has also been announced, which gives players 30 minutes of gameplay and a taste of the adventure that awaits.

You can download the demo from their Steam Page.

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The game is an upcoming title that draws inspiration from Ori and Hollow Knight, also integrating JRPG elements as well as a focus on the narrative aspect. Studio Director Stephen Manalastas says in our interview that their Fated Bonds feature will be key to telling the story, and that part of the game is also inspired by The Witcher 3.

“We also wanted to push the narrative aspect of Fallen Tear. Most Metroidvania titles are known for their combat and fluid gameplay, so in Fallen Tear, since it is also inspired by JRPG elements, we have put our focus on character development, and that happens with the 22 Fated Bonds that you meet in the game, each with their own story.”

“Our 22 Fated Bonds are spread out across the many levels, and we made sure that every level provides a different experience not just in an environmental and level design aspect, but also with the narrative. One of my inspirations with sub-quests is Witcher 3. I studied the way they did sub-quests because they have great designs for that, so we tried to implement that in Fallen Tear.

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Fallen Tear: The Ascension is scheduled to release in 2025.

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