Guild of Guardians – Why You Need to Get the Latest Healing Powerhouse, Jadey

Guild of Guardians is the newest mobile roguelike squad RPG published by Immutable Games, a global leader in web3 game development and publishing, with a highly experienced leadership team consisting of industry veterans such as Justin Hulog from Riot Games and Chris Clay from Wizards of the Coast. 

The Guild of Guardians team has been hard at work since it released the game back in May and has already provided players with multiple events and content updates, including Act 2: Guardians Unite, a new chapter in the game focused on elevating social gameplay. The game also boasts over 600,000 downloads in Act 1, 250,000 monthly active users, and $500K USD rewards for ranking players in the first 2 months alone.

In case you have not joined the millions of players worldwide playing Guild of Guardians, you can download the game from the links below:

guild of guardians key art

Guild of Guardians sees players gather heroes of legend to combat the evil forces of the Dread, and while the path ahead is filled with challenges, a new Guardian is making her presence felt because of her invaluable healing skills.

Guild of Guardians – Why You Need to Get the Latest Healing Powerhouse, Jadey

guild of guardians jadey banner

Why you should acquire Jadey

If you’re struggling with a dungeon that seems unbeatable, maybe you should consider adding a healer to your party if you haven’t yet! Healers are an integral part of a high-performance party, and if you’re looking for such a character, now would be the perfect time to do so because Guild of Guardians has recently introduced its latest hero: Jadey, the Pride of the Forest. 

As the newest Legendary Guardian, Jadey has quickly become a valuable support ally, offering players a significant advantage if they are fortunate enough to acquire her.

Here’s a look at Jadey and why you need to add her to your party!

How to acquire Jadey

Jadey is considered a limited-time guardian, and as such, will only be available to summon during limited-time events, such as the recently concluded “Forces of Nature” event, with the use of Calling Crystals or by sacrificing Prayers at the Altar of Sacrifice on the Guild of Guardians website.

But don’t fret! All is not lost, as players who missed out can still look to purchase Jadey from secondary marketplaces such as TokenTrove as another option to acquire this highly sought-after Guardian.

guild of guardians jadey event summon

If you do manage to summon Jadey, your party will benefit from her exceptional healing and control abilities, making even the toughest battles more manageable.

Who is Jadey?

A being of nature, Jadey is born from the hearts of ancient trees that longed to explore the world. Her affinity with the beings around her makes her the perfect embodiment of the spirit of the forest, and as the looming threat of the Dread swallows the land, she sets out on a mission to protect the Terra Domain. 

Jadey’s Abilities and Healing Prowess

Jadey is a powerful support character in Guild of Guardians who specializes in burst healing and crowd control. Her multi-faceted skills make her an invaluable ally in any squad, but most especially with other Guardians of the same alignment, increasing the Domain Synergies and providing the party with buffs that will prove beneficial during battle.

Here are her abilities:

All Things Grow (Ultimate)

guild of guardians jadey all things grow

A 5-meter radius flower field blooms on the battlefield, removing curses from allies and continuously heals the allies caught in the spell area for as long as the spell is active. This is a valuable skill that allows the party frontliners to last longer during encounters, giving damage dealers enough breathing room to rain down punishment on the enemies. 

Her healing ability is quite impressive, restoring HP equal to 110% of Jadey’s ATK every second for 6 seconds. This is certainly enough to keep your tanks alive when facing up against a formidable boss. If you have a high enough ATK rating, your healing will certainly be unstoppable.

  • LV2: HP restored increased to 120% of Jadey’s ATK.
  • LV3: HP restored increased to 135% of Jadey’s ATK.
  • LV4: HP restored increased to 160% of Jadey’s ATK.

Pollen (Heal)

guild of guardians jadey pollen

The ally with the lowest HP will be healed with 90% of Jadey’s ATK every second, while also removing deadly poison effects. This spell lasts for 5 seconds and proves to be a great targeted restorative spell if her other abilities are not yet available.

When you’re in a pinch and a panic, activating Pollen is certainly a good choice, as it will protect the ally who is in the most danger of dying.

  • LV2: HP restored increased to 100% of Jadey’s ATK.
  • LV3: HP restored increased to 110% of Jadey’s ATK.
  • LV4: HP restored increased to 120% of Jadey’s ATK.
  • LV5: HP restored increased to 130% of Jadey’s ATK.

Sweet Dreams (CC)

guild of guardians jadey sweet dreams

Jadey is not only capable of healing, but she can control the battlefield as well with this skill. Upon activation, the furthest enemy from the party gets hit with a hefty spell that deals 200% of her attack value as magic damage. On top of that, the unfortunate target is put into a deep slumber for 4 seconds, incapacitating them for a limited time, allowing the party to deal more damage to the rest of their foes.

Beware! Damaging the target will awaken them, so utilize this spell wisely and turn the tide of battle in your favor.

  • LV2: Damage increased to 220% of ATK.
  • LV3: Damage increased to 240% of ATK.
  • LV4: Damage increased to 260% of ATK.
  • LV5: Damage increased to 280% of ATK.

Nature’s Veil (Passive)

guild of guardians jadey nature's veil

Jadey harnesses a protective barrier that lowers the enemy ATK and Attack Speed by 2% for 6 seconds. Even better, the effect can stack up to 5 times! Enemies attacking Jadey will be sure to think twice next time because the longer they do, the more they are rendered useless, allowing your damage dealers to take charge.

At first glance, it might not sound useful, but more creative and daring players can choose to place her in the frontlines to soak up the damage and reduce the offensive capabilities of the enemy.

  • LV2: Reduces ATK and Attack Speed to 3%.
  • LV3: Reduces ATK and Attack Speed to 4%.
  • LV4: Reduces ATK and Attack Speed to 5%.
  • LV5: Reduces ATK and Attack Speed to 6%.

Jadey provides players with a unique experience in Guild of Guardians. Not only does she give much-needed healing, but her skills allow for some creative positioning and party compositions, deepening the tactical gameplay required on the tougher levels.

As a healer, it might be quite counterintuitive to build her ATK rating, but since her heals are more effective and scale with a higher ATK, then this seems like an opportunity to test new builds out in Guild of Guardians. While her damage during battles is negligible compared to more specialized attack-based Guardians, her strategic placement with a team will be the key to unlocking her full potential.

Will Jadey dominate the Guild of Guardians meta? That remains to be seen, but it cannot be denied that her abilities are invaluable for players trying to make progress in Guild of Guardians. 

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