Over 20 new screens for Final Fantasy 7 Remake revealed, shows Chocobos!

We’re just as excited as you are for the Final Fantasy 7 Remake coming out on March 2020. From our first impressions during TGS2019 to the First Class edition pre-orders, we simply cannot get enough of FF7 Remake. In fact, we’d take any and all information right now and Square Enix has obliged us with a TON of brand spanking new screenshots, including our beloved Chocobos and a peep at a Moogle! You’ll also get a sneak peek at some battle sequences, closer looks at Reno and Rude, as well as a weapon upgrade screen.

Enjoy the visuals and be sure to grab the highly anticipated Final Fantasy 7 Remake as it releases on March 3, 2020!

*Warning, image heavy post ahead!*

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