Days Gone glitch lets you play as Ghost Rider

Days Gone, the post apocalyptic zombie game from Bend Studio, has been met with highly mixed reviews. Most critics and sites gave relatively low – average marks but users have mostly loved the game despite its multiple bugs and glitches that have prompted a ton of post launch updates.

One such glitch turns our protagonist Deacon St. John into another biker of sorts, this time in the form of Ghost Rider! Check out the clip below.

Twitter user @IM2WESTCOAST had the privilege of being turned into the undead rider soon after he get blasted by a Molotov. There’s really no explanation as to how to effectively reproduce this but it does look pretty cool riding out in flames! Too bad his wheels didn’t turn aflame and Deacon didn’t suddenly gain some chain links as a weapon or this would have been a funky easter egg by Bend Studios themselves!

Speaking of Bend Studios, while they’ve done quite a remarkable job of cleaning up the bugs post launch, it would have been great to see something that took advantage of this since they’ve already done something with Death Stranding already, allowing a BB pod custom part on your bike!

Days Gone was recently on a massive sale so we hope you managed to get a copy for cheap, well worth the price of admission to this PS4 exclusive!

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