Elijah Wood visiting islands in Animal Crossing is the wholesome content you need today

Animal Crossing is quite probably the game to play during this lockdown period for its relaxing and simple gameplay that connects people together through a virtual world. It’s as wholesome as you can get, and everybody (including celebrities) are having the time of their lives, as evidenced by the game breaking the one month record for sales by any console game.

One celebrity, in fact, is randomly visiting islands to maximize turnip profits and is also surprisingly very well mannered as per the Animal Crossing etiquette book.

Twitter User Jessa (Jessica Kovalick) shares her experience as she got island-bombed by the one and only Elijah Wood, who promptly responded to her tweet about anyone wanting to take advantage of current turnip prices.


What started out as an innocent Tweet ended up in Elijah Wood (via his official Twitter account) sending a DM asking for her dodo code (to access the island). I mean, who wouldn’t be excited, right?

And of course, as prompt as can be, Elijah arrives to the island in style, looking all spiffy and clean with his avatar named Elwood. Sorry, no style and creativity points for you, Mr. Elijah, but props for having your islander look just like you!

Elwood then proceeds to catch everyone off guard with his good manners, straight from the Tom Nook’s Guide to visiting other islands (is there even such a thing?). He compliments her island and mingles with the other guests, maybe even share some stories from the Shire.

Elijah even asks if he can pick some fruit, which, to be quite honest, doesn’t happen often with randoms who proceed to just ransack your whole island. Good on you, Mr. Wood!

It’s quite probably the surprise that puts and leaves a big smile on anyone’s face, and at least we all know what our favorite celebrities are doing while also staying at home during the lockdown… Playing Animal Crossing just like the rest of us!

Now when is Brie Larson going to come visit my island? Should I tell her that turnip prices are at 1,000 bells each or something?

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