The PlayStation 5 event is looking to be 2 hours long

The Sony PS5 games showcase is nearly upon us and with less than a day to go, a lot of fans are excited at the prospect of seeing what games they’ll be able to experience when the PS5 comes out. Initially set to be a little over an hour, it seems that the event might go on for longer than an hour.

Twitter user Next Gen Player pointed out that the community page invite shows a 2 hour window, leading users to believe that the event will run for that full length.

While Sony themselves have said that “This digital showcase will run for a bit more than an hour” as per the original PlayStation Blog post, we’re expecting the next hour to be mostly developer interviews. The whole 2 hour window will most likely not be fully for games, and will include interviews and other filler segments. 1 hour for the games, 1 hour for miscellaneous activities.

Of course we could be wrong and Sony has a full 2 hours of games lined up. In any case, we have less than a day to wait on it, so get hyped!

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