Henry Cavill building a PC is the content you need to see for today

There’s such a thing as “Sando Gaming” but what about “Sando PC Building”? There’s probably only one person who can pull it off properly and that’s Superman himself, Henry Cavill.

In a video posted on Facebook (and Instagram as well), Henry Cavill himself set up his own PC build and he probably did better than a lot of people out there, flowery curtains and banging tunes included.


Cavill is a self confessed gamer, remember that time he missed a call from Zack Snyder because he was playing WoW? He’s even done miniature painting as well in case you didn’t know!

Cavill has been making the most out of the COVID-19 situation and what better way than to build his brand spanking new PC for missing more casting calls while playing WoW.

Safe to say that Henry Cavill built himself a… Supercomputer.

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