Demon’s Souls reviews point to a masterpiece of a remake for the PlayStation 5

The PlayStation 5 is already out in some regions of the world and for the lucky early adopters, the next-gen is indeed here. While most are gushing about Astro’s Playroom and Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Soulsborne fans have equal reason to celebrate as launch title Demon’s Souls is nothing short of spectacular, receiving superb marks across the board, with an aggregate score of 92 on Metacritic as of writing.

VGC gives it a perfect score, saying “It’s hard to imagine a better version of this game. Bluepoint established itself as the master of the remake with Shadow Of The Colossus, but in Demon’s Souls, they’ve produced a launch game that’s going to be hard to beat for several years.”

Destructoid scores it a 95, stating “Bluepoint Games and From Software are among the best in the business, and we’re fortunate to have their strengths coalesce in such a stellar remake. This console generation is less than a week old, but something tells me we’re still going to be raving about Demon’s Souls when it comes to a close.”

IGN gives it a 9, pointing out that “Demon’s Souls is breathtakingly gorgeous and plays significantly better than it did on the PS3, not only thanks to the graphical power of the PlayStation 5, but because of smart quality-of-life changes and light touches that modernize some frustrating aspects of the original, without ever sacrificing the relentless challenge, puzzle-infused boss battles, and style that made it such a landmark game in the first place.”

Gamespot also gives it a 9, claiming the title to be a “technical tour de force and a true showpiece for the PS5 and the power of Sony’s next-generation console. But, more importantly, it’s also a creative marvel coming from a studio that is clearly showing the world it has its own voice. Bluepoint has taken From Software’s original game and expressed it in a richer and fuller way, and in doing so given me something I thought was impossible: the opportunity to relive the experience of falling in love with Souls games for the first time.”

Will you be adding Demon’s Souls as a day one purchase along with your brand new PlayStation 5 as it comes out on December 11 in the Philippines?

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