Check out 10 minutes of Cyberpunk 2077 running on an Xbox Series X and Xbox One X

Surprise! No, it’s not another Cyberpunk 2077 delay announcement. In fact, at the start of the video below, UK Head of Communications for CDPR reiterates the December 10 launch date, so it looks all set to go at this point. Then again, it did go gold last time, and we all know how that went down.

Anyways, that’s not what we are here for! A very special Night City Wire episode just dropped and it featured 10 minutes of new gameplay. What’s so special? We finally get to see the game running on current and next-gen consoles, Xbox One X and Series X to be more precise.

Without further ado, check it out below!

Looking good, doesn’t it? Sure this could be controlled footage, but CD Projekt Red did delay this to make sure that the game was running properly on current-gen consoles, and the work seems to be paying off as evidenced by this fantastic piece of gameplay.

We’d say strap yourselves in for December 10, but we’ll play it safe and just remind everybody to catch the latest Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire episode on November 19, which will put a spotlight on none other than Johnny Silverhand.

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