Monster Hunter Rise ver3.0 free title update goes live on May 27
During the recently concluded Monster Hunter Digital event, Capcom has announced that the version 3.0 update for Monster Hunter Rise will go live on May 27 and will feature a ton of new content, including new monsters such as Crimson Glow Valstrax, a new ending, standard quests for Apex Monsters, and much more.
Crimson Glow Valstrax is an elder dragon that typically secludes itself in the upper atmosphere, but it has been driven mad by its own rampant energy, causing it to lash out at anything in its sight. Once it sights its prey, it swoops down, trampling them beneath its shifting wingblades.
Another new Monster, Apex Zinogre, is covered in scars and wounds as if it had been caught in a storm, and it’s seemingly always dominated by wrath and terror. Its forelegs—and their every strike—brim with ferocious sparks.
You can view the full patch notes over at the official Monster Hunter Rise website.
Capcom also shared a roadmap for upcoming updates until August, which will feature upcoming collabs with Monster Hunter Stories 2 and other properties.
Ver2.0 went live last month and introduced hunters some returning fan favorites such as Apex Diablos, Teostra, and Kushala Daora.