BlizzConline 2022 cancelled, will focus on ongoing development of upcoming games

Blizzard has announced that its next BlizzConline event for 2022 is now cancelled.

The next BlizzConline was initially scheduled to take place in early 2022, the company has now announced that it would “like to take the time to reimagine what a BlizzCon event of the future could look like” and in doing so, put its efforts into the ongoing development of their upcoming titles like Diablo Immortal and Diablo IV.

The first BlizzCon was held 16 years ago, and so much has changed in the time since—most notably, the multiple ways in which players and communities can come together and feel like they are a part of something bigger. Whatever the event looks like in the future, we also need to ensure that it feels as safe, welcoming, and inclusive as possible. We’re committed to continual communication with our players, and we see BlizzCon playing a big role in that going forward. We’re excited about what we’ll do with the event when we revisit it in the future. 

Even though there won’t be a big BlizzConline event scheduled for next year, Blizzard is still committed to providing updates on their upcoming titles, saying that there is “a lot of exciting upcoming news and releases to share with you.”

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