Submerged: Hidden Depths Gets A March 10 Release Date

Upcoming open-world walking simulator from Uppercut Games Submerged: Hidden Depths finally receives a release date of March 10.

In this relaxing open-world exploration game as seen in our preview, there’s no combat to distract you from exploring an abandoned city full of secrets and mysteries.

Here’s an overview of the game from its Steam page

Boat, climb, solve and explore in the beautiful ruins of a sunken world.

A drowned city, crumbling tips of skyscrapers stubbornly standing above the waves. Deserted villages, now inhabited by enigmatic creatures. And beneath the surging ocean waits an anguished, angry presence.

Submerged: Hidden Depths is a non-combat third-person “relaxploration” adventure, set in the sunken ruins of a beautiful world. Take on the role of Miku and Taku – one cursed with a mysterious power that she wants to use for good, the other determined not to let it tear them apart.

Submerged: Hidden Depths is coming to the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series, Xbox One, PC on March 10.

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