The Last of Us Part I File Size is Almost Double of Remastered Version

The file size of The Last of Us Part I on the PS5 has been confirmed and it is pretty massive compared to its remastered counterpart.

the last of us part i key art

This is according to the game page on the bottom part of the PlayStation Direct page, the game will clock in at a minimum of 79GB, almost twice the size of The Last of Us Remastered on the PS4, which consumed at least 48GB of space.

This shouldn’t be surprising, and in comparison, other triple-A PS5 games fall in that range, with Horizon Forbidden West at around 87GB and Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut at around 63GB. Some other games like Final Fantasy VII Intergrade also clock in at around 81GB.

You can see the file size notice on the snippet below:

the last of us part i file size

It would be safe to assume that the increase in file size is due to the new assets being used for the game, which brings it much closer to how The Last of Us Part II looked, with more realistic facial expressions, textures, and smoother animations.

The game is said to be a total overhaul of the original experience, modernizing gameplay and improving controls to increase the level of immersion by the player.

Watch – The Last of Us Part I Trailer

The Last of Us Part I is scheduled for release on September 2, 2022 for PS5, and will arrive on PC at a later date.

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