Grounded 1.0 Now Available on Xbox Game Pass
Microsoft and Obsidian Entertainment have announced that Grounded’s 1.0 full release is now available for the Xbox One, Xbox Series, PC, and Xbox Game Pass.
After two successful years and over 10 million players in Game Preview/Early Access, Grounded 1.0 brings home the full story to uncover the mysteries around your shrunken stature in the backyard. The game has grown with numerous updates which have been built with the community the entire way.
With 1.0, the game now features 13 biomes, 44 creatures, and a host of new features such as new armor sets, weapons, additional achievements, and an all-new Upper Yard area.
For those continuing previous save games, all items, bases, recipes, and other unlocks will carry over into this release. Milk Molar unlocks will be refunded to be reallocated due to new additions, and Story quests and progression of the science labs will be reset and will need to be progressed through again to align with the story flow.
Will you be playing Grounded?