Unicorn Overlord Reveals New Details On Training and Combat Mechanics

SEGA has shared a new Unicorn Overlord video that reveals more details about how players can strengthen their forces, combat mechanics, and the Frostblooms who fight alongside them.

Here’s everything you need to know about Unicorn Overlord:

Battle Stages
Battle stages in Unicorn Overlord are the fields of combat where allied and enemy units wage war in real time. Each battle stage has victory conditions that must be fulfilled to complete it (such as defeating the enemy commander within a certain time limit).

Unit Deployment and Movement
Allied units in Unicorn Overlord can be deployed from any base flying a blue flag. Once deployed, use the cursor to move them across the battle stage.
Valor Points are used when deploying units. These can be replenished by defeating enemies, liberating towns, and fortresses, and more.

Battle Menu
When an allied unit encounters an enemy unit, the battle menu will appear. Select Battle to enter

Swapping Positions
When two allied units are in proximity, you can have them swap places before engaging in battle.
Adjust your units as necessary based on your enemy’s weaknesses.

Waiting and First Strike
Upon losing a battle in Unicorn Overlord, the defeated unit is knocked back and enters a waiting state. If it is attacked during this state, the attacking unit will be granted First Strike. A unit executing a First Strike will
always act first, regardless of Initiative.

Stamina and Resting
Engaging in battle consumes stamina. Units with 0 stamina will be unable to move. You can restore
a unit’s stamina by commanding it to rest. Keep in mind, if an enemy engages a resting unit in battle,
that unit will be completely defenseless and unable to act.

Hallowed Corne Ash
A Hallowed Corne Ash can be used to avert a game over when the time limit expires or your command
post is claimed by the enemy.

Valor Skills
Skills that can be activated by consuming Valor Points. Each class has access to different Valor Skills,
such as offensive and recovery skills. Valor Skills play an important factor when deploying troops, so
try to make good use of them.

Stage Objects
Stages in Unicorn Overlord contain a variety of objects and sites that can be used to quickly turn the tides of battle, such as divine effigies that can summon cyclones, campsites that restore the stamina of your allies, and catapults that are able to launch boulders.

The Flow of Battle
During battle, your units will automatically engage enemy units and use their skills according to the
tactics that have been set for them. The battle will end when all combatants are no longer able to act
or when all combatants on one side have been defeated.

Active Skills
A combatant’s Initiative determines their turn order within battle. When a combatant’s turn arrives,
they will use one of their Active Skills. Using an Active Skill consumes AP.
AP is displayed by a red jewel. Once both sides are out of AP, the battle will end.

Passive Skills
Passive Skills will trigger automatically when certain conditions are met, such as being hit with an
attack. Using a Passive Skill consumes PP.
PP is displayed by a blue jewel. Passive Skills cannot be used if you’re low on PP.

The tactics you set determine when a character will use what skill, and who they will target. Each skill
can be assigned up to two conditions. In such cases, both conditions must be met for the skill to be
used. If no tactics are assigned to a character, then they will target the enemy in front of them. Assign
tactics to your characters t have them fight more effectively.
One of Alain’s active skills, Lean Edge, allows him to recover HP if he defeats an enemy using it. If
you set him to target the enemy with the Lowest HP, he’ll be more likely to defeat his foe and trigger
the healing effect.

Tactics and Priority
Tactics in Unicorn Overlord can be assigned different priorities. Characters will use the highest skill on their Priority List with conditions that have been met, so make sure to give priority to healing magic or other vital skills.
For example, if you’ve arranged your Priority List in this manner, your character will always prioritize
attacking with Slice and will never end up using Heal.
However, if you configure your Priority List like this, they will use Heal if an ally has less than 50% HP.
Otherwise, they will attack with Slice.

You can use Optimize to automatically configure your tactics and equipment. Try using it when you’re
unsure of how to best set these.

unicorn overlord training tips

Unicorn Overlord is scheduled to release on March 8, 2024, for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series, and Switch.

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