Nintendo will not be launching a new Switch model this year

We’ve speculated over the possible release of a Switch “Pro” this year and rightly so. With the trend of releasing incremental updates being the norm, it’s not a far fetched idea to think that the Switch may not do the same sometime in the future.

Well, we can all put our thinking caps down because Nintendo has revealed that they have no plans to launch a new Switch model this year.

In their financial results briefing, Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa said that “Regarding Nintendo Switch, we believe that it is important to continue to communicate the appeal of both Nintendo Switch systems and expand the installed base,” and continued to say that “Please note that we have no plans to launch a new Nintendo Switch model during 2020.”

Nintendo will instead focus on software that will further boost the relevance of their current hardware, stating that “A variety of software has been released for Nintendo Switch, including titles highly anticipated by consumers, completely new titles, and unique titles achievable only through the integrated development of hardware and software.” 

Furukawa continued to say that “There are over 48 million Nintendo Switch consoles in the market at the present time, so we will be able to continue to focus on software development for Nintendo Switch going forward. We are developing many new titles for Nintendo Switch in addition to the ones that have been announced. New titles will be released continuously going forward, and not just Nintendo titles, but also titles in a variety of genres including indie titles from other software publishers.”

In this case, it would be safe to safe that a “Pro” model will not surface this year, but it would be also a safe bet to not count out the possibility for next year.

In the mean time, if you’ve been holding out for Animal Crossing, you might want to take a peep at the recently announced Animal Crossing Themed Switch coming out on March 13!

Nintendo announces an Animal Crossing themed Switch to release on March 13

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