Wonderful 101 is making its way back in full remastered glory via a Kickstarter campaign
Everyone and their mothers have been raving for a Wonderful 101 comeback since it made its way to the Wii U many years ago. Hideki Kamiya has heard you as the game is making a return via Kickstarter, with Platinum Games directly handling the project.
Seems like everybody is on board as the game has met its Kickstarter goal within mere minutes of the announcement!
As of this writing, 3 out of the 5 stretch goals have been met which means a Switch / PC / PS4 release will be incoming for sure.
For backers, you’ll get different memorabilia to go with your pledge but one of the more interesting bonuses is to “Get Blocked by Kamiya” on Twitter. This is, of course, a call out to Kamiya’s favorite thing to do on the Social Media platform, wherein he has blocked journalists, fans, and everybody else in between.
There’s 31 days left to go in the Kickstarted campaign but its safe to say that fans will be excited to finally see the game make its current gen debut when it releases sometime this year!