Sony Interactive Entertainment unveils PlayStation Studios, a new brand for their first party titles
PlayStation Studios, the new brand that will house its first party studios and titles, has just been announced and with it, this spanking new opening animation that is giving off some serious Marvel vibes.
Check it out below:
PlayStation Studios will launch along with the PlayStation 5 this Holiday and in an interview with, SIE Senior Vice President Eric Lempel says that “Over the last few years—and even the last decade—the strength of the titles coming out from our studios has been stronger than ever. We have been thinking about how we unite all of these great games under one brand, and really the purpose of that is to make the consumer understand that, when they see this brand, they’re getting ready for a robust, innovative, deep experience that they’ve come to expect from games coming from PlayStation. So we came up with PlayStation Studios.”
The opening animation, which shows some of the most iconic faces in video games such as Nathan Drake, Aloy, Ratchet and Clank, Kratos, Sackboy, and Ellie, will be shown at the start of the games under the new PlayStation Studios and as Eric Lempel further notes that “We think this is a good way to let consumers know that, if they see it, then the quality games they’ve come to expect from us are here. And this brand will exist for well-known existing franchises, as well as brand new franchises that we have yet to explore.”
While the opening animation is ready, it will not make it in time for the launch of The Last of Us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima, 2 of the most highly anticipated games of this year. Expect that as PlayStation Studios acquire more property, the animation may evolve and add new characters as well.