A new Horror Action Adventure game will be the next project from the creator of Silent Hill and Gravity Rush

Bokeh Game Studio, which was just recently founded by ex-Sony Japan devs Junya Okura, Kazunobu Sato, and Keiichiro Toyama, have shared that their debut game will be a Horror Action Adventure game that will “appeal to Toyama’s fans.”

Keiichiro Toyama, known for being the director for both Silent Hill and Gravity Rush, revealed this bit of news to IGN Japan, and that the game will include “battles and story elements”, something that we can look forward to in partnership with Okura and Sato, lead designers of Gravity Rush and The Last Guardian respectively. This is not the same as the rumors swirling about for a new Silent Hill reboot.

Despite coming from a first party Sony studio, this upcoming title will be multi-platform, with PC as the lead platform for development and will hope to release on as many platforms as possible. The team is still in the very early stages of development, but are already targeting a 2023 release.

Bokeh Game Studio will be sharing news about the game regularly through their Twitter and Facebook accounts, so we can expect more news to come as the months go by.

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