Here are your PS Plus Games For January 2022
It’s almost the new year, but if there has been anything constant for the past few months, it’s that we can almost always expect the latest PS Plus offerings to be leaked prior to the official announcement.
Proving the leak from last week to be true once again, the PlayStation Blog confirms that the latest lineup for PS Plus will be Deep Rock Galactic (PS4 / PS5), Persona 5 Strikers (PS4), and Dirt 5 (PS4 / PS5).
All 3 games will be available to download starting January 4 until February 1 and will be free for PlayStation Plus Subscribers only, so if you haven’t yet, picking up a subscription is a good idea.
PS Plus January 2022 Free Games
Deep Rock Galactic (PS4 / PS5)
Persona 5 Strikers (PS4)
Dirt 5 (PS4 / PS5)
Before the December lineup expires, make sure you download the current offerings before they’re gone. Godfall: Challenger Edition (PS5), Mortal Shell (PS4), and LEGO DC Super-Villains (PS4) will be available to download until January 3.
What do you think of the lineup this month?