Assassin’s Creed Shadows Trophy List

Assassin’s Creed Shadows is finally here, and with it, an easy-to-follow trophy list to get that elusive Platinum!

How many trophies does Assassin’s Creed Shadows have?

Assassin’s Creed Shadows has 55 trophies in total, broken down into 43 bronze, 10 silver, 1 gold, and 1 platinum trophy.

You’ll need to invest quite some time into Assassin’s Creed Shadows to obtain the platinum, requiring players to complete the game thoroughly as they meet all allies, get enough legendary gear, and even complete certain side quests for Naoe and Yasuke.

assassin's creed shadows screenshot 4

*Spoilers Below*

Assassin’s Creed Shadows Trophy List

Here are all of the PlayStation Trophies for Assassin’s Creed Shadows:

assassin's creed shadows screenshot 1
Assassin’s Creed ShadowsPlatinumUnlock every trophy
Prologue BronzeComplete the Prologue
A New League Rises BronzeComplete Act 1 of the main story
An Oath FulfilledBronzeComplete Act 2 of the main story
Fall of the ShinbakufuBronzeComplete Act 3 of the main story
EpilogueGoldComplete the Epilogue
Death BlossomSilverDefeated all Shinbakufu
The ThiefBronzeMeet Gennojo
The Toxin MasterBronzeMeet Oni-yuri
The Eager AssassinBronzeMeet Yagoro
The RoninBronzeMeet Ibuki
The Warrior MonkBronzeMeet Yaya
The SharpshooterBronzeMeet Katsushime
Build Your LeagueBronzeRecruit your first ally
Front of the PackBronzeFully train an ally
Art of NinjutsuBronzeMaster the way of the shinobi
Art of KenjutsuBronzeMaster the way of the samurai
Make it PersonalBronzeEngrave your first weapon
Better than a BucketBronzeEquip legendary gear in all slots
Limitless SilverFind a legendary piece of gear of each type
In Case of TroubleSilverFully upgrade your tools and ammunition
Suture SelfBronzeFully upgrade your rations
SometimesBronzePerform a landing roll
Reeding is FundamentalBronzeEscape conflict by using a breathing reed to hide in shallow water
Just Your ShadowBronzeDistract the same enemy 3 times with shinobi bells
Hook, Line, and SwingerBronzeStay airborne by swinging from one grappling hook point to another
AcrobaticsBronzePerform a Leap of Faith from a grappling hook swing
Leap of FailBronzePerform a leap of faith as Yasuke
Adept ShinobiBronzePerform your first assassination
Master ShinobiBronzeAssassinate an enemy through a shoji door
UnseenSilverPerform 5 assassinations in a row without being noticed or entering combat
Giant SlayerBronzeAssassinate a powerful guardian in one go
Adept SamuraiBronzePerform your first Finisher as Yasuke
Master SamuraiBronzeParry an incoming projectile
UnstoppableSilverUse Samurai Stand before performing a Finisher on an enemy
This is Japan, ActuallyBronzeKick an enemy from a high place
Overdesign III BronzePerform a Finisher on an enemy that is both Poisoned and Dazed
Final HearingBronzeSheath your weapon immediately after an enemy dies from Bleed
AdventurerBronzeShoot an enemy in the knee with an arrow
Mortal ReminderSilverComplete an Objective Board
Test Your MightSilverDefeat the final enemy in the tournament
Kofun RaiderBronzeComplete your first kofun
Good FormBronzeComplete your first kata
Zen MasterSilverComplete all kuji-kiri
A Rare OccurrenceSilverComplete all legendary sumi-e
CollectorSilverComplete a collection
Sole SanctumBronzeUnlock the Hideout
Chase the MorningBronzeAdd a sumi-e to the Hideout
Against Wood and StoneBronzeFully upgrade a building in the Hideout
Everybody Benefits!BronzeAdopt a pet
Happy PlaceBronzeReach the highest point on the map
PathfinderBronzeVisit every province on the map
Scouting MissionBronzeGather information using a scout
Would You Kindly?BronzeComplete a contract in each province
Made You Look!SilverLook for treasure behind the waterfall in the hideout
assassin's creed shadows preview yasuke nobunaga

Will you be getting the platinum trophy for Assassin’s Creed Shadows?

Assassin’s Creed Shadows is now available on PS5, Xbox Series, and PC.

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