What games can we expect from the PlayStation 5 event?

Can you believe it? We’re a few hours from the highly anticipated PlayStation 5 event which will be a showcase of the games that we can expect to play once the PS5 is released. It’s been a long time coming, and after an initial delay, it will finally be pushing through.

After so much teasing and speculation, we can probably make guesses as to what games are going to be revealed during the show. The program is expected to be an hour long (maybe even two hours, if we’re lucky!) and you can be sure that Sony has prepared quite the list.

We have our own predictions, and while these are not confirmed, we think (and hope) that a couple or more of these would be announced during the show. The annual sports games like MLB would be too easy, so we’ll leave them off the list. Any Crash Bandicoot or Ratchet and Clank fans hoping for new installments? Also, maybe something really crazy, like a Final Fantasy XVI reveal, maybe?

Here are our predictions:

Gran Turismo 7

First and foremost, we have this now deleted post of a Next Level Racing survey, and a certain racing series logo should be very familiar. Was it inadvertently leaked? We don’t really know, but all signs point to it being accurate.

It shouldn’t come as any surprise since the Gran Turismo series of games is one of Sony’s best when it comes to the racing genre. And what better place to unveil the return of the series than during the event.

Horizon Zero Dawn 2

Horizon Zero Dawn made a huge splash when it was first released and ever since, fans have been clamoring for a follow up. Over the past couple of days, we got these interesting (but now deleted tweets) from Horizon Zero Dawn developers according to Gamerant. While it could mean nothing, we’re putting this one on the list as a big possibility to happen, and even this title alone will be enough to send the fans in a frenzy.


A new Gran Turismo or Horizon Zero Dawn may be very enticing but how about a new IP? Godfall has been teased quite a lot, and for good reason – It’s a looter slasher published by Gearbox of Borderlands fame.

If its Holiday 2020 release window sticks, it would be safe to say that Godfall could be a launch title and this showcase would be the perfect venue for that announcement.

Resident Evil 8

Whether the title is accurate or not is out of the question, but rumors of the game making its debut during the PS5 event are very loud and seemingly true. The recent remakes have done their job and now its time to see something new from Capcom.

Demon Souls

We can’t help but speculate a remastered version of Demon’s Souls will be unveiled on account of all the teasers that were circulating online, so much so that even Peter Dalton of Bluepoint Games may be in on it.

It is a known fact that Bluepoint are indeed working on a big title for the PS5 and being one of, if not the first, games that spawned the masocore sub genre, Demon Souls deserves some of the spotlight and being one of the PlayStation 5 titles in the event is a good enough spotlight.

God of War 2 or a new IP

Developers just can’t help but feel excited to tease their upcoming projects, and we have another case of that courtesy of Sony Santa Monica’s Jeet Shroof. Again, it could mean nothing at all, but we’re hoping it means what we think it does.

The math should be pretty easy: Sony Santa Monica + Playstation 5 Event = God of War! Are we down for more Kratos, more Atreus, and more BOY? We think everyone is.

Or hey, maybe a new IP from Santa Monica?

Bloodborne Remastered

While rumors should always be taken with a grain of salt, you can’t help but believe a little as it becomes the talk of the town as detailed by all these twitter posts. It also helps that Bloodborne was such a great PS4 title that made a lasting mark on gamers with its trademark Souls difficulty bundled with a touch of Lovecraftian horror, not to mention the game’s iconic trick weapons. If the rumors are true, we should expect a great port courtesy of Bluepoint Games.

It brings a smile to our faces just imagining Bloodborne in 4K 60FPS.

Silent Hill

The Silent Hill series is long overdue for a new entry and with the persistent rumors of a reboot, we’re keeping our hopes up for this one. We don’t need to see gameplay, we don’t even need for it to be a launch title! Just a confirmation would be good enough.

Unknown Housemarque Title

The only information we have is that Housemarque has a good relationship with Sony, good enough that Shuhei Yoshida visited the studio last year to discuss “something”. *wink wink*

A new Resogun? Maybe a totally new IP? It’s anyone’s guess, but definitely something ambitious.

What are your game predictions for the reveal? Let us know in the comments below!

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