Halo Infinite multiplayer is free-to-play, will support 120fps

After what some consider to be a divisive campaign gameplay reveal, developers 343 Industries dish out a massive win for Halo and Xbox fans as they announce that Halo Infinite multiplayer will be free-to-play and to take advantage of the massive power of the Series X, support 120FPS.

The official announcement reads that “Halo is for everyone” and assured fans that more details will be announced at a later date.

While the Halo Infinite multiplayer has not been revealed yet, it is an integral part of a Halo experience and knowing that it will take full advantage of the capabilities of the Series X will put fans of the game at ease.

There is a lot riding on the return of Master Chief, especially as it anchors the launch of the Series X later this year. While it will not be a Series X exclusive, playing on the next gen console will give you the definitive Halo experience that fans have been longing for.

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