Black Myth: Wukong is the first game in a trilogy, will feature hundreds of enemy types

There’s been a lot of surprises in the gaming scene these past few months (looking at you Fall Guys and Among Us!) but none may have surprised the community as a whole more than the sudden drop of the gameplay trailer of Black Myth: Wukong just last month.

Haven’t heard of it yet? We don’t blame you. The game is being developed by a small studio in China named Game Science and was flying low under the radar until the trailer, immediately garnering a large following.

Here’s that viral gameplay trailer to refresh yourself on the what got the community talking:

This take on the classic Chinese story of the Monkey King Wukong wowed gamers and developers alike with its amazing graphics and gameplay. IGN recently got a chance to talk with Game Science and they have dropped some new details about their ambitious indie game. Here are some interesting tidbits about Black Myth: Wukong:

  • Black Myth: Wukong has been in development for around 2 years and counting
  • The game will be a gritty take on the Journey to the West story and that it’s going to be pretty dark and complex.
  • Game Science is planning for Black Myth: Wukong to be the first of three Black Myth tales, with the other games taking inspiration from other Chinese tales.
  • The vision for Black Myth is to be a wide universe of tales but the developers clarified that it won’t be something like the iconic Marvel Cinematic Universe
  • A game time of around 15 hours is the developers’ target
  • There are 30 people working on the Black Myth: Wukong but Game Science plans to hire 10-15 more to have two separate teams working on level design at the same time
  • Over 100 enemy types, including bosses, are planned for the game
  • The released date for Black Myth: Wukong is planned for no less than 3 years from now

Black Myth: Wukong has captured the hearts of a lot of gamers out there since its initial reveal and it is shaping up nicely to be a title that is worthy of anticipation. All we can do now is wait as Game Science was so overwhelmed by the popularity and amazing reception of their first trailer that for their next reveal, they refuse to show something that’s not better than that.

To that, we say, good luck, in the most encouraging of ways.

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