Nintendo is reportedly requesting devs to make their games 4K-ready

A Bloomberg report says that Nintendo is boosting production by another 20%, raising the total target of Switch units to be produced to 30 million by the end of the fiscal year from a previous target of 25 million, owing it all to the extremely high demand for Switch units. Thanks to titles like Animal Crossing and Mario Kart 8, the Switch is seeing a continued wave of interest.

While that’s indeed good news for potential Switch-ers, a segment in the report offers something particularly interesting, and it may hint at what Nintendo has in store for next year.

It seems that Nintendo may be gearing up for that rumored updated model that’s been said to make its debut as early as Q1 of 2021. The report mentions that “Several outside game developers, speaking anonymously as the issue is private, said that Nintendo has asked them to make their games 4K-ready, suggesting a resolution upgrade is on its way.

This goes back to a previous Bloomberg report as well, stating that there may indeed be a new Switch model on the way. In that report, it was quoted that “The specifications of the new machine have yet to be finalized, though the Kyoto-based company has looked into including more computing power and 4K high-definition graphics.”

4K on a portable device would be quite a challenge, we would assume. The power needed to do that, while offering decent battery life and a cooling system that can handle everything would probably be the toughest hurdles to overcome, but technology has advanced lot over the past couple of years so anything could indeed be possible.

It sounds like an interesting upgrade nonetheless, and given Nintendo’s history of putting out a new system variant a few years into the life cycle, this shouldn’t sound too surprising. At the moment, it’s probably just a matter of when.

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