Datablitz is now accepting pre-orders for The Last of Us 2, including the Collectors and Ellie edition
The Last of Us 2 release date has now been confirmed by Sony and will release on June 19 after initially being delayed indefinitely. With the confirmation, pre-orders are now back up on the PlayStation store for those wanting to go digital.
For those wanting physical copies, including myself, well then today is the day as Datablitz is now accepting pre-orders for all physical editions, including the Collectors and Ellie Editions.
Head on over to the Datablitz E-commerce site (on THIS LINK) to secure your pre-orders for whatever edition you wish to purchase, with pre-order bonuses such as a T-Shirt and In-game items. Pre-order downpayments are as follows:
- Standard Edition – PHP500 (SRP PHP2,800-3,200)
- Special Edition – PHP800 (SRP PHP4,000-4,500)
- Collectors Edition – PHP2,000 (SRP TBD)
- Ellie Edition – PHP3,000 (SRP TBD)

You will need to follow the instructions Datablitz has set for this, with the usual pre-orders going through the site, then proceeding to bank payments, and then sending over the necessary information through the respective google sheets. Detailed instructions and answers to common inquiries can be found via THIS LINK. As of this writing, final SRP’s have not been determined yet.
Please note that since these are physical pre-orders, there may be a chance that you will not get it on the first day due to the ongoing disruptions caused by COVID-19.
The Last of Us 2 is scheduled to release on June 19 and will ship in 2 discs, requiring over 100GB in storage.