No, an online E3 event won’t be happening

With E3 cancelled, the ESA have clarified that they will not be holding an online event to replace E3.

PC Gamer reports that the organizer won’t be having a digital event, as was previously speculated. Instead, it will help the individual companies showcase their own announcements. In what capacity, we’re not quite sure, seeing as others like Microsoft and Ubisoft are quite capable of mounting that on their own.

Here’s the statement in full from the ESA:

“Given the disruption brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, we will not be presenting an online E3 2020 event in June,” an ESA spokesperson said. “Instead, we will be working with exhibitors to promote and showcase individual company announcements, including on, in the coming months.

“We look forward to bringing our industry and community together in 2021 to present a reimagined E3 that will highlight new offerings and thrill our audiences.”

The ESA have pencilbooked the E3 2021 dates in advance, slating it for June 15-17 as of this writing. IGN have likewise announced their “Summer of Gaming” event, which aims to showcase the latest updates and announcements from the gaming industry.

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