Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt next-gen updates still scheduled for 2021

CD Projekt Red has been facing challenges left and right since its problematic Cyberpunk 2077 launch and the recent cyber attack on their internal systems. Despite this, the developers have reiterated that the next-gen updates for Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be coming later this year.

A roadmap was revealed back in January that showed these next-gen patches slated for 2021 but ever since the hack, timelines have been shaky, to the point that the big 1.2 Patch was delayed as well. A recent earnings call have reaffirmed that these next-gen updates will indeed be coming this year, which is perfect for players who have been waiting for a next-gen version that should ideally fix most of the issues encountered by playing on the outdated PS4 and Xbox One hardware.

This has been confirmed by Radek Grabowski as well, CDPR’s lead PR Manager.

Have you played Cyberpunk 2077 already or are you waiting for the next-gen upgrade before you dive into Night City?

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