Elden Ring Thai Launch Trailer Takes The Tarnished Bit Way Too Far

After a long and grueling wait, Elden Ring is now available worldwide, with eager fans taking the journey to The Lands Between. The launch campaign for the game brought the hype, and review scores across the board (including ours) were glowing, making it one of the highest-rated games in both Metacritic and OpenCritic.

Some countries in the Southeast Asian region, specifically Thailand, has been known to create some wacky commercials for big-ticket games (check out the FarCry 6 Thai Commercial!) and they’ve done it again with Elden Ring with this commercial that takes the Shattered Ring and the Tarnished way too far. You can view the trailer above!

Campaigns like these are quite the breath of fresh air when you compare it to more traditional output, and it really does well to connect the audience to the game by splashing in some comedic and ridiculous moments.

Related – Read our Elden Ring Review

Elden Ring is now available for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, and PC.

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