Play a ton of games and contribute to charities with the Humble Conquer COVID-19 Bundle

While inside the confines of your home, you are helping out by actually not going outside! Since this is the case, why not make your stay at home more enjoyable with a whole bunch of games to play, all while helping various charities around the world. Interested? Then the Humble “Conquer COVID-19” Bundle is for you.

For a minimum spend of PHP1,550, you get access to a LOT (I mean a LOT) of games and much more worth $1,071! Take a peek at some of the games below:

The bundle also includes various digital books and a music maker software. 100% of the proceeds of this bundle will go to support organizations mobilizing against COVID-19 and will only be available until April 7.

All games are redeemable on Steam and the books are DRM Free.

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